The walk-through took place as scheduled at 9:00 am Friday. We still weren't done loading the truck. And the buyers' real estate agent pitched a fit and refused to turn over the funds until we were completely out. I was raised in real estate, and I've never seen an agent act like that!
The Moving truck that arrived was not the one we expected. It was half the size! So...We had to leave stuff behind. Again, friends and neighbors came to the rescue. However, what got left behind? 1. My writing desk. 2. My chair. 3. My work table. 4. My elliptical trainer.
Did we have gorgeous weather for travel? Well, we left in sunshine, but halfway through Virginia, the rain came...and came...and came...all the way to Georgia. Two days of it. And of course, all the stuff in our car-top carriers got soaked. So much for the waterproof claims!
One of the best things that happened with the move, however, was absolutely perfect. Ghost Daughter and I spent Friday night with a dear writing friend. Joyce Moyer Hostetter put us up for the night, and it was great to catch up and share our latest WIP info and life stories. Even the dogs felt at home at the Hostetter house. It was lovely!
And now, we are in GA with Ghost Hunk ( last!) and getting ready for another wild weekend. Yep, we have to move again. This time into are "real" house, which will be wonderful. The kids have held up so well and I am in awe of their strength.
And my family is all together. At least until Thursday when I board a plane back to PA for the SCBWI Eastern PA Pocono Mountain Retreat!!