Saturday, July 21, 2007


My book is complete. Oh, how hard it is to say goodbye to these people who have lived in my head for so long. I see their faces. I hear their voices. Yes, I know I'll see them again--more revisions, in my dreams, on the shelf at the bookstore! The dead are buried and the living are on their way. And yes, people die in this book. But it's done!

Whew! Now I have to rework my synopsis and hope I don't drive myself completely insane with it. How do you crystalize 277 pages into 1 or 2 pages that still have that voice, still elicit such emotion? I have yet to discover the answer to that one. But I'll keep trying.

And don't'll find no spoilers for the Deathly Hallows here. My lips are sealed (on page 150 at this point!).


  1. Congratulations, Mary Ann.

    Thanks for not spoiling Deahtly Hallows for me. I have my copy but promised I won't start it until after I finish editing a book project for my dad. It's going to be the fastest editing job I've ever done. ;-D

  2. I have a great site that should help you get your synopsis done and in that short amount - remember you want about a paragraph per chapter (or so I've been told) - you want to keep it simple.

    here is the website if you are interested - -- and worksheets to help you along - E :)

  3. Congrats on finishing your revisions, Mary Ann. A synopsis is something else again - another form of writing all together - but so important. Best of luck with it.

  4. Thanks everyone. I've completely reworked my synopsis--again! And I've sent it off to the contest, now, so here's another week of waiting.

    In the meantime...I'm on page 317! Back to reading...

  5. I'm sending good thoughts your way too - now, get off the computer and get back to reading ;)


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