Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Quick Update...

I'm not a pessimist...just realistic. I did NOT win the synopsis contest. Oh, well. Now to send it to the editor I worked with last year. (At least I won't have to share my royalties!)


  1. Ah well, sorry Mary Ann. Maybe next time.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that, too. Personal taste is always a big factor so don't let it get you down. You're at the beginning of your search for a home for your manuscript. Time to develop that nice thick skin. The submission process can be so discouraging. It's nice that you have at least one connection, though. Best of luck! And keep that chin up!

  3. Thanks, gals! Don't worry, Stella. I already have enough rejection letters from other projects to build a paper 747 and fly off to Europe! I will say, however, that this ms is different. This one is especially dear to me and I really believe in it. It's a good book. Maybe I'll post the synopsis here.


  4. Hi Mary Anne,

    And as the judge for the contest, I can tell you that I read your first chapter even though your synopsis didn't win (curious as I was).

    It was solidly written, with a serious hook! I really enjoyed it.

    Sorry for the intrusion on your blog, but I happened to see this after googling my site trying to find something. Keep submitting!


  5. Wow, Alison, what a nice surprise! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by. You're definitely NOT intruding :)

    I still want to learn how to write a good synopsis. It's such a puzzle! But even after I sent it, I was still considering things I should have done--like give some of the emotional content perhaps or describe some of the underlying themes and subplots. It just seems like so much and I didn't want it to be too "busy". more week of class, then I can decide whether to do one more revision or send that baby on her way. (Makes me think of Anne Bradstreet's poem "The Author to Her Book.")

  6. Mary Anne,
    Obviously you've got a good book- and I'll be excited when you do find a home for it. Can't wait to get my signed copy!

  7. Mary Anne,

    Writing a synopsis is definitely one of the hardest parts of marketing your material - you have to strategically capture the elements of not only the plot, but your writing styles and characters, without giving too much away. I mean, what can be harder than that for a creative writer?

    What I will say is that you've got something here - I loved the power and intrigue of your first chapter. The great news is that it's not your writing that needs work (I mean, hey, we ALL need work on our writing, but what I mean to say is that you've got "it." The "it" factor. It's sharp, it's detailed - but without too much telling - and it makes the reader want more). So think of it this way - your synopsis is something that you'll have to struggle through, but only to represent the good work you've already done.

    Just thought I'd add one more encouraging word as someone who has read many writing samples and contest submissions.

    Keep at it! You're just around the corner.


  8. Well, I think Alison's comments would make my day!

    Congratulations, Mary Ann, on receiving a great review on your work.

  9. What awesome comments above MA - very cool! Thinking of you these last few days before school starts - I've been wanting to get together, but it has been crazy busy here. I'm hoping to start Q with kindergarten this week - we'll see. I figure if it is going to be sooooo hot out this week like they are saying it is, we might as well stay in and get started!! Take care!!

  10. Wow...WOW!!!! Yes, DMH, that did make my day, and my week!

    Alison, thank you for your kind comments and tremendous encouragement. I am truly speechless.
    Maybe you could write my first jacketflap blurb!

    Thanks for taking the time to look at my work and to offer such kind feedback. I really feel energized!

  11. Wow, that would certainly make my month! I tried writing a synopsis of my novel (even though it's not done) just to get a feel for what it's like. Pretty difficult task. Nice to have some encouraging news though, isn't it?


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