Sunday, December 30, 2007

Marauding Mushrooms, Electronic Dinosaurs...and Pigs! it is. As per Just Mom's request. The Pig! My daughter has been playing with non-stop, and just now asked me to find a Wilbur game for her on the computer--so she can keep the pig vibe happening. Now she wants a red elephant, and my son wants a horse--color yet to be determined. It's good therapy for my anyway. Keeping my fingers nimble and giving me some relaxation, which I sorely need.

Oh! And here's our little mushroom warrior preparing to take on the big boys in the back yard. So what if it's 38 degrees out! A pair of wellies and a warm coat are just the ticket for a backyard battle.




    Thanks for posting the photos.

  2. cute pig - need to find some crochet animals for me to do - lol don't know why but that pig is inspiring to do something fun and cute - thanks for sharing - E :)

  3. That is ADORABLE - well, everything is, all your pictures!

    And you just learned how to knit? Goodness, I'm still having a hard time making just dishclothes!

    Way to go! And I agree, it is very relaxing to do!

  4. I popped over to visit from Author2Author. How talented you are! I have a great shortbread cookie recipe, btw. Happy New Year!

  5. Thanks everyone! Barrie, I'd love your shortbread cookie recipe! They are my favorite.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL! Here's to a year filled with book contracts, love, and prosperity!


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