Sunday, April 06, 2008

Somebody Please Help...

This gorgeous piano needs a home. We may or may not be moving, but we have no space for the stunning piece of history. And we can't afford to store it. The kind people who have been looking after her now need their space back for renovation. I hate to give up this gem, but if anyone out there knows someone who is looking for an antique in exquisite condition, send them my way.

Sad...very sad.


  1. it's beautiful! But sorry. We don't have room either.

    Well, and none of us know how to play.

  2. Oh my word, that's gorgeous!

    If we had room (and lived closer) we'd take it.

  3. Beautiful! We live close enough...but no room :-(

  4. Oh, Mary Ann, I hope you will find the perfect home for this treasure. Lately my mind has been on pianos (long story) but if we had room, I'd ask to play on it.


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