Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Taste for Tea

Anyone who knows even a little bit about me knows that I am a huge tea drinker. Winter, spring, summer...doesn't matter. I pretty much always have a hot cuppa nearby, especially if I'm writing. As some of you may also know, I often have a certain buddy nearby as well. But who would have guessed that my fuzzy little muse liked English Breakfast Tea as well? (Decaf, of course) As you can see, she more than likes it. Poor little thing, though. She didn't expect the mug warmer action. When she hopped off my cup and put her tiny foot on that black pad...Ouch! It doesn't stop her from hopping back in my tea, though. Stinker! Perhaps I should take one of Maisie's dainty tea cups and pour a wee bit for Ruthie. A tea party!


  1. A mouse who tries to dip his little head in to my much-needed cup of morning coffee would not live to tell the tale.

    You have great patience with the little buddy. ;-D

  2. Um, yes, perhaps she needs her own cup! I have a miniature Blue Willow set I could share.

  3. Thanks, Joyce! Don't worry...I didn't drink after her!

    And JM...I promise, if I ever come to visit, I'll leave Ruthie at home.

  4. I love your new photo and avatar! Yes folks, Mary Ann is as pretty in person as she is in her pic.

  5. {{Blush blush}} You are too kind, Deena! Thanks!

  6. What a cute little mouse.It reminds me of the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse or a Beatrix Potter story. She definitely needs her own little mouse sized cup.

  7. Aww, cute! Ruthie definitely needs her own little cup. Just DON'T give her a cookie to go with it!

  8. Aw, she's darling. I've eaten lots of kitty-tested/tasted food and it's never killed me :) I think she should live in a dollhouse and have her own tea set.

  9. Oh, Linda...we'd never get out of that loop! LOL

    Vijaya, that is just adorable! It makes me think of The Littles and a few other stories from my childhood. I think Ruthie would love that!

    Stella, I'm not sure if she'd be a country rat or a city rat...hmmmm....


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