Monday, October 18, 2010

NaNoWriMo...Why Not?

I admit it. I'm a NaNoWriMo virgin. But I'm putting it out there this time around, hoping that the community and the deadline will give me a little extra momentum as I try to get this next YA banged out. I've resisted in the past primarily because I was already well into a project and making steady progress. This time, however, I could use a little pick-me-up. So here I go.

I'm looking to my writing buddies and acquaintances for further encouragement, and they never let me down. Many of the gals from The Mixed-Up Files of Middle Grade Authors have participated and they're good at spreading the fever.  Stephanie Ruble has also offered some helpful tips for newbies like me.

So stay tuned...the counter should be cranking at top speed in about 2 weeks!


  1. I'll be doing my own variation of NaNoWriMo, that I've already started, where I have to write something on my WIP every day. Even just a paragraph. I am hoping that by November 30th, it will be a habit that's hard to break.

  2. Good luck. I don't participate, but I like to see increases in word counters and success stories.

  3. GO, Kate GO! That sounds like a plan!

    I've got to do something to get my butt in gear, so NaNoWriMo is it.

    Thanks for following, Medeia. I've always been a cheerleader behind the scenes, too, but this time I'm throwing myself into the melée.

  4. It's almost NaNoWriMo time. Good luck Ghost Girl! You can do it!

    p.s. Thanks for the link :)

  5. You bet, Stephanie! Thanks! less than 48 hours!


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