Friday, July 29, 2011

#WIPMADNESS Final July Check-in

How did everybody do?

Today, I will break the 46k mark, which is a little short of what I wanted, but it is progress.  This last week has been rocky...meetings that barred me from the WIP and potential upheaval that was eventually abated. But if nothing else, I got even more clarity in the development of the story.

What have I learned this month?

I've learned that I need to move around, to get up and stretch and think and direct my brain in different directions more often than I do.  I've learned how much I miss writing at home.  I've also learned that tension and romance can be hard to do without a major cheese factor killing your momentum.  The "go big or stay home" mentality doesn't work quite the same way in that case.

Goals for August?

1.  Finish the WIP!  (HA!...I can try!).
2.  Take at least one weekend and lock myself away to write.  (That might actually happen)
3.  If all else fails, just keep making forward progress.

Major goal — to have something workable for my agent to review.  Then...the revisions.

Thanks for hanging with the madness everyone!  Good luck in August and don't forget to check in with Angelina!


  1. Thanks for hosting this month, Mary Ann. Even with all the upheaval and vacation, you still made progress. Great job!

    f I don't dink around today, I will hit 40K. Goal for August? Add another 15K.

    Starting the month at the SCBWI LA Summer Conference. Need I say more?

    I'll be hosting the #WIPMADNESS on Mondays next month:

    Hope you all have a fabulous end-of-month weekend!

  2. Yes! Thanks so much for hosting! It has been great keeping up with all of you, or trying to anyway. I wanted to finish my current revision by the end of July, but I'm a little short, even though I've been rocketing through this week. I have a new (self-imposed) deadline for the end of the first week of August, so whenever I finish, I'll set my new August goals, which will involve WORKING ON SOMETHING ELSE!
    Best of luck to everyone in these last few days of July. Keep kicking it!

  3. Agreed, thank you for hosting!

    I didn't do as well as I wanted to, but this month kind of threw me for a loop. I started off playing with fun new ideas, only to be reined in by friends talking (and threatening) some sense into me. Then I had to deal with the feedback and criticism I'd put off looking at, and it was hard, to the point where I've spent the last week doubting myself.

    I hope to get over that very soon. I can't keep feeling held back by my fears.

    I've really appreciated these check-ins. They've been great for my sanity. :)

  4. L.S. — you know I've been there. But don't let fear of success or failure keep you from sinking your teeth into an idea and running with it, no matter how crazy it may seem to anyone else. What's the worst that can hate it and start over.

    As for the feedback/criticism, step back and consider what your thoughts are. Do you agree with what they said? Do you think they may have misunderstood something? Will taking their advice change the meaning/goal of your writing? Find the truth within and let it guide you.

    Keep working on craft, but don't let details paralyze your writing completely. Skinned knees and bruised egos make it easier to deal with the bigger challenges, right?

    As my husband always says, forward motion, just keep looking for that forward motion. Whether it's 20 words a day or 20 pages.

    Hang in there! Like everything else, it takes time and practice.

  5. Way to rock it, Angelina! And thanks for hosting in August. We'll be there!

    Kip, that's awesome progress, even if it isn't exactly what you had hoped. Rock that August Deadline! We'll see you there.

    Good luck, everyone!

  6. I don't remember my goal, but as of this morning I'm at 39.1k - I think I made it :0). Goal for August - finish this draft - though it might be a bit of a challenge with school starting for me next week, teaching at a new school and new age level. But I'm climbing to the climax and if I had to guess, I'd say 50-55k for this one.

    My big news. Well I can't say just yet, but it involves being able to stop obsessively stalking Query Tracker and has everything to do with the ms I was working on when we started #wipmadness. (and this WIP as well). I'll spill soon!

    And if we're still going in September, I'll volunteer to host. And thank you Mary Ann for July and looking forward to seeing Angelina in August.

  7. SQUEEEE! JRo! I can't wait to hear the details!!!

    It sounds as if we are in a similar boat. About the same length too. I was a breath away from also having HS to teach, but the position wasn't right to make the change, and I couldn't leave my guys in the lurch unless it was something really special.

    So on we go...rumbling towards the WIP finish line. I'll be looking for the good news! ((psst...congrats))

  8. It's been a couple of months since I've checked in for wipmadness, due to travel and waiting on my editorial letter. But I'm ready to get back on the wagon for August. I have to, since I've got to turn in my first round of revisions. See you guys on Twitter!

  9. Hey Jeanne! We're glad you're back. Let's rock those revisions!


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