Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9-11-2001

As we sat around the breakfast table this morning, the entire Ghost Family remembered that day ten years ago.  Ghost Son was 4 and Ghost Daughter was 6 months old. I was surprised not by what they did or didn't remember, but by what they understood.  Both of them startled me with their keen perspectives.  Ghost Son shared the details he could remember and talked about how his Civics class discussed things on Friday. He is becoming such an adult who every day gives me boundless hope.

Ghost Daughter talked about how wrong it is to assume that all Muslims are like those people. She was appalled to think that anyone would make such a generalization.  She went on to talk about the impact of those events not only on the people connected to them, but on those who would be collateral damage simply because of the color of their skin or the way they dress or the beliefs they profess.  She understood so much more than I had ever imagined.  More than a lot of 10-year-olds might.

For the Project 365 blog today, I chose not a photograph but a drawing.  The indelible impression of that day on a 4-year-old's world.

That's why I write for young people.  They are amazing...


  1. You and Ghost Husband are obviously magnificent parents. I love the way you have nurtured those kids. I've seen so little of your life and yet your priorities and sensibilities are evident.

    I agree with Ghost Daughter!

  2. Thanks so much, Joyce. We are truly blessed with beautiful children. We always say, God gave us amazing kids; we're just trying really hard not to mess them up! :-)

    Love is an action...that's what we do. That's what we teach.

  3. Hiya,

    I really love the way you write, its so nostalgic. I want to be able to write as well as you one day, but I feel I have a lot of growing up to do. I think I shall make your blog one of my everyday readers, please do keep updating.



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