Monday, April 08, 2013

April #Wipmadness Check-in Week 2

After splitting some spring break time and frying myself and Ghost Daughter on the beaches of Panama City, I'm ready to dive into some serious madness. I got the feedback I needed, and I'm filled with fresh motivation and determination to whip this MS into shape and get it out there in the next month. It won't be easy and I expect some ugly days ahead.

April always seems like such a short month. I don't know why, but it does. Even so, I'm hunkering down and doing some killer revisions all month long. I guess that sort of shoots last week's goal statement right in the face, huh?

How is it going for you, wipsters? Do you have your second wind?


  1. I am still searching for that 2nd wind :)

    But I did have a decent week of revising - I went to work on several parts of my WIP that felt bloated and managed to cut out over 5k words!

    1. That is awesome, Jennifer! It's hard to make those cuts...ouch!

  2. After my two weeks off and an inbox full of beta feedback, I'm ready to dive into my revisions this week, so I've definitely got a second wind going now. I'd love to finish revisions by the end of this month and get ready to start subbing. We'll see!

  3. Hey hey...have my second wind and need to get it under control cause I am running aboot like a maniac! Decided that today I need to get a serious to do list made, pick one thing, work on it and move to the next.

    Glad to hear you got your wind and ready to tackle that MS! Cheering you on!

    1. That's the way to keep the focus and not get overwhelmed, Deb. Boogie on through that list, one thing at a time! :-)

    2. Maniac? That reminds me of a song and I can just picture you running around to it. :) I don't multitask as well as I used to, and not at all when it comes to writing, so I'm with you on the list-making. Good luck with it!

  4. Hello!

    As of last night my word counts are as follows:
    Camp NaNo: 17,710
    Savvy Boot Camp: 15,197

    I've posted A through G on my blog for the A to Z Challenge, did my midweek check-in for #ROW80 and my Week in Review yesterday. I'm quite enjoying the blogging side of things. It's a lovely surprise to see new people following the blog or liking and commenting on posts. I love our global community. :)

    Despite the busy schedule, I'm happy with my progress, so far, although I could have done without losing over 1K words during the act of saving a blasted document. Sadness consumed me but it was fleeting because L.S. Taylor's well-wishes. I needed to sleep it off--long day, too--and came back to it the following morning with an additional 300 words to the original total. In fact, I think the scene is better now than its previous incarnation.

    There's also the short story I'm workshopping that might be published by the end of the month. Getting my feet wet in Smashwords and Amazon for this experiment. :)

    I'm reaching the halfway mark of my writing extravaganza and I'm pretty excited about it. I should probably load myself with excessive goals on a regular basis. My writing life would never be boring!



    1. Okay...your post has no photo, but I can't help be see the Energizer Bunny all the way! You go, girl!

  5. I reached April Goal #1 on the weekend (finished the revisions I was working on for March Madness) and now I'm excited about tackling Goal #2, which is drafting an MG project that's been on my mind.

    Happy writing, WIPsters! :D

    1. I said it on Twitter, but I'll say it again here, Shari... YAYYYYY!!!

    2. Aw, thanks you guys--such a great cheerleading team! :D

    3. I've said it before, but can't help saying it again: congrats for finally getting that revision whipped into shape and sent off. Now it's fingers crossed that it will get a positive reception. And hooray for new projects... a MG at that. :)

  6. I think last week I was busy with a revision. I don't know, it seems so long ago. Anyway, I turned in my FAST FICTION revision, and also finished a revision of my next WIP, sent it off to a beta reader and already received feedback. Wow! It's mostly little stuff, so I plan to do that this week and then get it off to my agent for her thoughts.

    1. Way to go, Denise! I hope your agent loves it. :)

    2. Woohoo! Fingers crossed for some serious agent love!

  7. I was all keyed up and motivated last week, then I got distracted again. HOWEVER, I now have an electric tea kettle bedside which is going to make my life amazing (I've had my tea brought to me in bed for 20 years and couldn't convince cat to do it and was really stumped as to how to get my tea in bed without getting up.) So now I've seriously got to get busy with revisions. I guess I'm also getting used to this working thing again, too. School starts early here which bites into my morning routine. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.

    So if I can finish this revision and send it to my publisher by the end of April, we'll call it a miracle. Whip me, Wipsters. I need you!

    1. We believe in miracles, Angelina. You can do it!! :D *\o/*

    2. I used to have one of those electric kettles. That darn cat! I know you can get that revision done! Fire up that crazy kettle and off we go...!

  8. The second wind ... well, it's come by force. But it's been worth it. Some good writing has come of it. More needs to happen to get stuff to my CP shortly. I just wish I could catch up on my sleep, *before* my upcoming week-long vacation...

  9. Right now finishing up with the final round of edits. Hope to have done by this weekend as I signed up to do some scoring for Pearson. That's usually very intense but only a month of my time. Plus need to start plotwork on my new book. Have a phone consultation with Joyce Sweeney this Friday to help with that! Yay!

    Another big thing is the upcoming STAR testing which is required by Ca though Kate Messner shared with me a growing trend for parents to opt out of state standardized testing. We had to sign something with our charter school that we have to take the test or we can't come back the following year. Still testing gives anxiety not only to my 11 year old son who has sensory issues but to me too. This year especially as the charter school has been pushing for better scores. Sigh.

    1. I hate all the standardized testing stuff! I understand the desire to make sure our kids are on track, but these tests are so often biased and they take far too much class time, not to mention that some school systems almost demand that teachers "teach to the test" (no matter how much they try to deny it). Ugh.

      Anyway...have fun with Joyce and I hope you get some awesome feedback!

  10. I'm not writing anymore today. Today I reached my March Madness goal (a wee bit late) I did my final revisions on FIND ME, did my fourth spell check and then sent it to my agent. I then poured myself a G&T - realizing, before the first sip, that it was 10:30 in the morning and gin before noon isn't exactly appropriate. It's a lovely feeling when you hit SEND - because you know you've done all you can and it's in someone else's hands. I have other things I need to work on (an MG synopsis and revised chaps, some beta reads and tackling a short story idea) for the month of April, but for this afternoon I'm just going to sit with the accomplishment. Yay me. Yay all YOU WIPSTERS.

    1. That sounds delightful, Alex! And a little G & T (with lemon) is fabulous...somewhere in the world it's after noon! Way to go on hitting that SEND button! Woohoo!

  11. You know what I did to ensure a second wind? I signed up for a historical novel writing class online. April IS a short month, but I'm trying to draft like crazy. Wishing all #wipmadness peeps a productive month!

  12. I didn't check in last week, so you didn't hear any goal-setting from me. That's just as well. Now that I've had a second look at April I've had a change of heart anyway. I've been working on one project with my mind on another, and I *know* I don't multitask well when it comes to writing. So I'm focusing this week on the church history project I started last month. My goal for this week and next is to format the data I've collected for the periods of 1862-1875 and 1875-1910 and make a start on scrapbooking the first one. When I need a break, I have some reading I need to get done.

    Not lofty goals, but they'll keep me moving forward if I can stick to them. And I'm motivated by everyone else's ambition! Good luck on those revisions, Mary Ann!

    1. Thanks, Carol! Have fun with the history project...I love history!

  13. Checking in two days late, but at least I made it here! Monday (all stinking day) was spent in doctor's offices. Yuck. Now, just waiting on some lab results. Today is the first day this week I'll be able to spend on writing. Looking forward to getting some work done on revisions! IF I'm good, I may allow myself some free time to brainstorm on a new story. :D

    Hope everyone's week is going awesome!!

    ~Wipster out

    1. Oh dear! I hope everything is ok. Enjoy those revisions!


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