Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back on the Roller Coaster!!

Here we go again, folks! So, I'm sitting here fretting about this decision to ask for another class at the college next semester--to make ends meet. I'm still up for a part time position at the Waldorf school, and I could teach the extra class even if I get the job, but I'm terrified of spreading myself over two different jobs without really helping our financial situation a whole lot. Waiting to hear about the part time job, resigning myself to slave wages, but all for a good cause. Maddening!

So this afternoon, I get an email from my contact at the college wanting to know if I am available to teach more writing classes. Okay...I decide to go ahead and call the Waldorf people after dinner and see if they are any closer to a decision before I call him. I'm still chewing my KFC extra crispy leg when the phone rings. The Waldorf people! An offer? ...No... A question.

It seems the teacher who was going to quit, then changed her mind, has now changed her mind once again, and a full time job is open again. Now, I have no delusions that the job is mine, but they would like to interview me again for this job and in a hurry. Cue the churning stomach and sleepless nights reprise.

Do I want the job? --Yes

Does the job terrify me? --Yes

Is that a good thing? --I believe so.

Dare I hope to have a full-time teaching position and my kids at that school I desire next fall?


So wish me luck and pray that the pieces fall where they are meant to, and that I keep my sanity in the process!


  1. Oh you poor thing - my stomach would be churning too! I've been praying that it will all come together for you. Thanks for the update!
    If you begin to lose your sanity, maybe we can schedule a day trip to the beach! ;-)

  2. Praying for you (and getting excited by the possibility too). Keep us posted, please.

  3. You'll get it no problem. Because I said so.

    Let us know as soon as you get the call so we can all congratulate you.

  4. I think you'll get it too. You're too smart to pass up. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and say a little prayer.

  5. You gals are the best! Thanks for all your support! In a couple of days, I'll post the story I'm writing for my teaching demo on Tuesday. (Well, if it doesn't totally suck!)

    Let the count down begin...

  6. Any word yet Mary Ann?

    Question: I'm looking for some fresh eyes for my mg - would you be interested in doing a ms exchange? I'm just finishing up the fifth draft, and I'm having trouble figuring out if the plot/characters and stuff are truly ready to start line editing so I can send it off. I completely understand if you don't have time or aren't interested, so don't feel like you have to say yes.

    If you're interested, pop an email my way ... jumbledramblings@gmail.com

    Be sure to let us know what you hear about the job. We're all cheering for you. :)

  7. Tomorrow is my interview/demo! AAAhhh! I'm nervous. I came up with an original story (well, it's still in process...) and make a prototype for the activitie we're doing. A parachute toy. I go in at 11:15 tomorrow--send good thoughts, please.


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