Saturday, August 23, 2008

Give me the Funny Farm!

Please!!! Give me the funny farm! How many of us writers dream about the scenario that Chevy Chase laid out so well in his hilarious movie? Well, at least the successful writer part. That film came on one of the networks the other day and I just had to laugh. Of course, it's the wife who ends up the successful book writer, while dear hubby learns to stick to what he writes best—a sports column. Here I am, hoping to make a smooth transition to a new house in a new state and daydreaming about that fabulous house with the perfect little writing space for me and lots of space outside. Of course mine would include a horse barn and a few acres to ride on. How likely is that? Sadly enough, not very.

But where we are headed offers a lot more of one or the other for our money—land or house. I doubt we can get both. I am hopeful, however that there is at least one extra room for me to claim as my own, after years of having a little station amidst the plastic clutter of my children's playroom. One could argue that being surrounded by toys and kids would be inspirational for a writer of children's books. But an army Fisher Price Little People™ amputees (thanks to Whitman the Wonder Pup), the raging refrain of "Mama, will you play with me?" and the head-banging strains of Guitar Hero™ tend to take the bloom off my literary rose a bit at times.

Give me a room with a row of windows on one wall and a line of bookshelves all around the rest. A door, a real door that I can close! A little shelf for Ruthie. Give me a barn where I can think up the next bestseller while I muck out stalls, saddle up my horse, and run the paces. Ahhh...give me the Funny Farm!


  1. Hi Mary Ann. FUNNY FARM caught my attention because it's one of my favorite movies of all time. It has so many classic lines that I use on a daily basis. "Cue the deer" and "That's not a bridge, it's termites holding hands!" Great stuff. Good luck with your move and I hope you can find a little corner to write in.

  2. It sounds perfect. If I had a door, I wonder if I would shut it???

  3. I just got my first office. No windows, no pictures, nothing inspirational. Just a desk and a light and a not-even-comfy chair.

    I love it.

    Good luck getting yours!

  4. Rena- I love this movie too! What a hoot! Truly Classic.

    PJ- with 2 kids, I would definitely shut the door!

    Jacqui- That's awesome. Just to have a space that is truly my own...but I do need at least one window. Got to have some connection to nature.

  5. Wow - I've been behind. You all will do fine and you'll see you'll love the area. But then again each area has it's own attraction to each individual. I think once you are rejoined with your husband that everything will be nice and smooth sailing (fingers crossed) - lol - anyway - heading to Decatur this weekend for the book festival so getting ready for that and trying to keep my wits about me so I can be of some help to my publisher. The state story seems to be doing well so far. Just hope this weekend we all do well. See you in the postings - E :)

  6. I haven't seen the movie, but I hope you find the right place to write. Sometimes I just take my notebook and escape. Funny how outside noises / the noises of strangers aren't as disruptive as the noises in our own home.


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