Sunday, April 03, 2011

Project 365

March flew by far too fast, but I will take some time to reflect and blog about the madness in a bit. (A good kind of crazy!) But today marks the 18th anniversary of the day Ghost Hunk and I said our vows and promised to love each other forever. A woman asked me how we managed 18 years. The simple answer is, make love an action and keep doing it every day.

To celebrate, and because blogger pal Just Mom inspired me, I'm going to take a photo a day for the next 365 days and post it on my photo blog. Why not here? I want to keep this place tidy for my writing ranting and reflection. But perhaps I just build another Blogger site for the project.  We'll see.

In the meantime, off I go to year #19!


  1. Congrats on 18!!

    We just reached #8 in September, already planning something fun and exciting for #10 :)

    Good luck with the photo project. It will be something fantastic to look back on when you get to 365!

  2. Thanks, Lily! And Congratulations on #8! Love your icon...we just adopted Angel, Jr. who will undoubtedly show up in the project soon.

    Now...the plan for #20 is...a trip to Ireland!


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