Wednesday, June 05, 2013


Like many writers, I have watched with interest as the whole epublication/self-publishing model has exploded over the last few years. Plenty of friends who take me seriously as a writer have asked, "Why don't you just publish it yourself?" Of course, I have a long list of reasons why I would prefer NOT to do that, but John Green summed it up so eloquently in his ABA Indie Champion Award acceptance speech (embedded below).

Books are about ideas, and frankly, writers spend a buttload of time in their own heads. Too much time to see how self-indulgent or purple their writing gets sometimes or where the structure runs awry in the name of some really cool idea that just doesn't work when you actually read the book as a book. We can lose sight of the reader and what their relationship to our precious bundle of blather will be. Editors, publishers, booksellers—they keep us honest. The connect us to our readers by helping us write better books.

Which leads me to another, perhaps even more salient point...books are about connections. Isn't that why we write? To connect our experience to others who might share the same emotions or need the release, the catharsis, or see our vision so we know we are not alone in our insanity?

Already, my agent has helped me craft my stories into something more than a nice idea. She could see when I was shambling through the furniture in my head, unable to find the right path, and then she would feng shui the hell out of it so that I could invite others to the party who might actually have a good time without banging their knees and tripping over ridiculous prose.

Legendary editor Patti Gauch gave me the permission I needed to go big or stay home. She reminded me that I do have a voice and I shouldn't be afraid to use it and more importantly, that I have an audience who wants to hear it.

I want those middlemen in my life. I need them to help me build this amazing thing because it matters. It's not just a sale or a blip on the screen or an icon on my bookshelf app. It's something real. I can't wait to see my books in print and launch my first book signing in a shiny little book shop stuffed with eager readers. I can't wait to talk to the booksellers about what they liked and didn't like about my work.

Thank you, John Green, for getting it so right. These amazing middlemen—they are the brick and mortar of good storytelling, no matter what our egos tried to persuade us to believe. We must build it together.


  1. I so agree that we need readers. Informed readers also serve as "middlemen," potentially making us better artists. But only if we have a solid center to hold onto.
    Self-publishing requires that more of our time & energy be devoted to marketing than to writing. It's better to leave that to those for whom marketing is a vocation.

  2. Thanks for the post & thanks for linking that great John Green clip!

  3. Love John Green. Thanks for sharing that, ghostgirl!

  4. John Green is awesome! =) Thanks, I don't I would have seen this on my own.


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